If you’re experiencing pain, discomfort, stiffness, or instability in your knees, a total knee replacement might be the solution. At Medical City Hip & Knee Specialists, we prefer the term total knee resurfacing as it is more reflective of how we perform this surgical procedure.

The procedure involves removing the worn surfaces of the bones of the three compartments of the knee joint with new surfaces made of metal and plastic. In this manner, it is a "resurfacing" procedure as opposed to the word replacement which conjures images of large segments of the bones the knee being removed and replaced which is not the case. The actual structure of the bones remain and only the surfaces are removed and given new surfaces.

In most cases, total knee resurfacing is required when the cartilage of the knee joint has been badly damaged due to osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, but they might also be required if the joint has suffered trauma to the joint surfaces.

At Medical City Hip & Knee Specialists, we specialize in assisting our patients with the latest in knee resurfacing treatments. Our goal is to relieve your knee pain and increase your mobility, and we do this by using only the latest in medical technology, imaging services, and minimally invasive surgical procedures.

Benefits of a Total Knee Replacement

  • Pain Relief
  • Increased Flexibility
  • Pain-Free Movements
  • Increased Mobility
  • Greater Stability

You need to remember that once a knee problem starts, it will generally get worse. Degenerative diseases work slowly to destroy joints, and you may not even be aware of the problem until it’s too late to be treated with non-surgical options for pain relief. Make sure to have knee pain evaluated early.